is a premier business trainer, former professor
of entrepreneurship at USC Marshall School of Business,
and Director of the Southern California Virtual Business
Center, which provides capacity training for diverse suppliers.

The Roadmap to Secure Corporate and Government Contracts
Let’s Talk Capacity
I took my small business from struggling to pay bills to generating over a million dollars in corporate and government contracts and you can too.
The government and major corporations are the largest purchasers of goods and services. This is why securing contracts to sell your products/services to the government and major corporations is a game changer.
Read Capacity, the Roadmap to Secure Corporate and Government Contracts to learn the formula I used to secure my first million-dollar contract! Follow the roadmap to successfully grow your business with corporat and government contracts!

Want to make a million dollars selling your products/services
to the government and major corporations?

In 2024, I’m leading an entire community on a journey to become million dollar suppliers.
I’ve helped small businesses secure nearly $500 million in corporate and government contracts!

Let’s Stay Connected

Schedule A Free 20-Minute
One-on-One Session with Kimberly!
We’ll develop a customized approach to support your organization and meet
the present challenges and opportunities with greater connection.